Tá áthas ar an gclub £750 a bhronnadh ar fhoireann Theach Ardview mar chuid dá n-iarrachtaí tiomsaithe airgid do Macmillian Cancer Support i gcuimhne ar Cyrena. Bhí Cyrena ag tacú leis an gclub le fada an lá agus tá Macmillian gar do chroíthe go leor ar fud ár bpobal. Bhí ríméad ar an gclub an t-airgead a thabhairt ó gheata cluiche na hoíche aréir in Ardtole. Níl dabht ar bith orainn go mbaileoidh foireann Ardview suimeanna móra airgid a bhfuil géarghá leo i gcuimhne ar chara dílis
The club are delighted to present the staff of Ardview House with £750 towards their fundraising efforts for Macmillian Cancer Support in memory of Cyrena. Cyrena was a long time supporter of the club and Macmillian holds a close place to many hearts throughout our community. The club were delighted to contribute the money from the gate of last nights game in Ardtole. We have no doubt the staff of Ardview will raise huge amounts of much needed funds in memory of a dear friend